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Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy)

Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy)



  • 应用分类:软件开发工具
  • 应用收费:免费
  • 人气热度:609
  • 发布时间:2024-02-05 14:41:33
  • 应用语言:"EN"
  • 年龄要求:17+
  • 适用平台:IOS
  • 应用厂商:Nicolas Holzschuch

Jupyter notebooks ar

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为您推荐: 软件开发工具 教育 软件开发工具

Jupyter notebooks are a powerful tool used in education and research. You can write small snippets of Python code and observe the result on screen, combine with paragraphs of text, using Markdown.

Carnets provides a complete, stand-alone, implementation of Jupyter notebooks. Everything runs on your device, using the embedded Python interpreter; you do not need an internet connection. Compared to the standard version (Carnets), this app adds several packages targeted for scientific computation and learning: scipy, sklearn, seaborn and coremltools. You can switch between standard notebooks and the more modern jupyterlab using the Settings app.

Of course, all the packages included with the standard app are present too: numpy, simply, matplotlib... To see the full list of installed packages, type \"%pip list\" in a code window. You can add more packages using \"%pip install packageName\

- Updated to Notebooks v7: better user interface, more translations, better stability, fewer issues.
- Updated packages to their latest version.
- New \"home\" button : gets you straight back to the file browser.



Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy)下载

Carnets - Jupyter (with scipy)

